Sparkhill Foodbank

Narthex Sparkhill

About us

Sparkhill Foodbank served over 16,000 people in 2022 and, with a national cost of living crisis, we have seen demand unfortunately exceed supply. Things are apparently expected to get worse, not better; as a result, it is those with the least that feel the most effect.

We are determined; not only to continue supporting the local community, but also to speak on their behalf and to be part of a long-term solution to break the entrapment of poverty. 

Sparkhill Foodbank is a Trussell Trust Foodbank, operated by Narthex Sparkhill CIO; Narthex is a destitution and development charity that works across southeast Birmingham and beyond, providing a range of services including the Foodbank, but also a resource centre, a clothing bank, IAG support and a Money Advice Service.

Whatever support you can give will truly make a difference; thank you for standing alongside those in need.

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